Gantt Charts

What is a Gantt Chart Explained in Simple Terms?

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April 05, 2023

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6 min read

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What is a Gantt Chart Explained in Simple Terms?

A Gantt chart is a simple, visual tool used in project management to show the timeline of a project. It displays a list of tasks on the left side and a horizontal timeline on the right. Each task is represented by a bar, with the length of the bar showing how long the task will take to complete. The chart helps you see:

  1. What tasks need to be done.
  2. When each task starts and ends.
  3. Which tasks overlap and which depend on others.

In essence, it helps you plan, track, and organize projects by making the schedule clear at a glance. For example, if Task A needs to finish before Task B can start, a Gantt chart will show this relationship, allowing you to plan accordingl

Benefits of a Gantt Chart in Simple Terms:

  • Clear overview of the entire project.
  • Easy tracking of progress.
  • Identification of task dependencies (what needs to be done before something else can start).
  • Better time management.

It’s like a to-do list, but with dates and dependencies, all in one visual timeline!


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