Project Management

App Integrations

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March 24, 2023

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App Integrations

When things move so fast in the working world today, then effectiveness and workplace collaboration are some of our biggest priorities. That is exactly where the best project management tool Vabro stands out with so many of app integrations. These integrations simplify workflows, providing a project management experience without walls.


Slack Integration:

Slack, fully integrated with Vabro to enhance team communication by sending live updates on projects and task assignments directly into the Slack channels. Within eFileCabinet, this integration exhibits in instant communication; therefore your team can stay up-to-date without having to switch between tasks more time than necessary and cuts down on email noise/ increases speed of response.


Google Workspace Integration:

Vabro already integrates with Google Workspace (more on this here), but now you can attach the latest report right to your tasks and workspaces, make real-time edits in docs within Vabro — which means a centralized hub for all updates — while syncing project deadlines with google calendar! This will help in making sure that all the required documents and schedules of your project are well aligned, so you can easily access them or organize it tedious.


Microsoft 365 Integration:

Microsoft 365 allows Vabro to integrate Outlook, Teams and Sharepoint into its all encompassing platform. …Send Project Emails through Outlook; Collaborate via Teams, or share documents with SharePoint. Their integration is good for Microsoft tools to work with Vabro detailed communication over document management.


Trello Integration:

Vabro is a visual board manager that syncs with Trello boards for users who like the look of true to do lists. Users enjoy Vabro’s impressive task tracking and reporting while sticking with how they prefer to work in Trello.


Jira Integration:

The best integration for software development teams is with Jira. However, what makes Vabro different is the ability to synchronize JIRA issues and sprints directly with high-level project plans in Vabro so you get a combined view of your development progress along side all other project activities. Thus joining development and project more effectively for better alignment and transparency.


Zapier Integration:

Vabro is integrated using Zapier, so this allows you to combine it through hundreds of different applications providing automated workflow and task management across several platforms. The whole setup is designed to be interchangeable, allowing you tailor integrations the way it suits your requirements and lessens any risks of manual labour & deliverability aspects.


GitHub Integration:

Vabro synchronizes the code repositories and project tasks using GitHub integration. The convenient tracking of code changes along with the project tasks that have been linked to them, assists development teams in a better integrated view — thus rendering visibility and alignment.



In short, Vabro provides a great way for all companies that already work with dozens of apps to be able better connected than ever. From voice and video calls on Slack communication to managing documents through Google Workspace or tracking development process in Jira, Vabro enables a seamless and smooth workflow for the wide-spectrumed modern teams.

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